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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 25
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)AdvisorSource
2007Introduction to The Library and Information ProfessionsGreer, Roger C., 1928-; Grover, Robert J., 1942–; Fowler, Susan G., 1958–--
2004Sensitivity Analysis in Practice: A Guide to Assessing Scientific ModelsSaltelli, Andrea, 1953-; Tarantola, Stefano; Campolongo, Francesca; Ratto, Marco--
2002Parallel Computing: Advances and Current Issues: Proceedings of The International Conference ParCo2001Joubert, G. R., editor; Murli, A., editor; Peters, F. J., editor; Vanneschi, M., editor--
2002Recent Advances in Computational Science & Engineering: Bproceedings of the International Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computation (IC-SEC) 2002 ; 3-5 December 2002, Raffles City Convention Centre, SingaporeLee, H. R., editor; Kumar, Kurichi, editor--
2005Vers & Virus: Classification, Lutte Anti-Virale et PerspectivesPaget, François, 1954---
2002Computer Science IlluminatedDale, Nell B.; Lewis, John--
2004The Art of Software TestingMyers, Glenford J., 1946-; Badgett, Tom; Thomas, Todd M.; Sandler, Corey, 1950---
2001Computer Vision and Fuzzy-Neural SystemsKulkarni, Arun D., 1947---
2003Blueprints For High AvailabilityMarcus, Evan; Stern, Hal--
2006Programming Language PragmaticsScott, Michael Lee--
2010Plug-in PHP: 100 Power SolutionsNixon, Robin--
2007What Every Librarian Should Know About Electronic PrivacyWoodward, Jeannette A.--
2003Computer Architecture: A Quantitative ApproachHennessy, John L.; Patterson, David A.--
2006Turbo Pascal với chương trình tính gió động và động đấtĐặng, Tỉnh, Th.S.--
2008Nhập môn công nghệ phần mềmThạc, Bình Cường--
2005Tự học lập trình cơ sở dữ liệu Visual C++ .Net : một cách nhanh chóng và có hiệu quảĐậu, Quang Tuấn--
2001Tự học thiết kế chương trình cho học sinh làm toán bằng Visual Basic 6.0 (Tập 1)Đậu, Quang Tuấn--
2012Computer Organization and Embedded SystemsHamacher, V. Carl; Vranesic, Zvonko; Zaky, Safwat; Manjikian, Naraig--
2004Digital Design and Computer OrganizationFarhat, Hassan A.--
2003Practical Object-Oriented Design with UMLPriestley, Mark--
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 25
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