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Title: Protection, Location and Isolation Faults in Smart Grids
Other Titles: Protection, Localisation et Isolement de Défauts dans les Réseaux Intelligents
Bảo vệ, định vị và cô lập sự cố trong lưới điện thông minh
Authors: Hoang, Tran The
???metadata.dc.contributor.advisor???: Besanger - Moleres, Yvon, Prof.
Tran, Quoc Tuan, Prof.
Keywords: Protection
Fault location
Fault isolation
Smart grids
Renewable energy
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Universités, Grenoble Alpes
Description: Doctoral thesis. Major: Electrical Engineering; 244 pages.
???metadata.dc.description.tableofcontents???: 1. Introduction; 2. Modeling of distribution networks with PV systems; 3. Directional approach for distribution networks with high PV penetration; ...
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