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Title: Featured Combined Hybrid Recommendation System: Content-based Combined with Matrix Factorization
Other Titles: 피처 하이브리드 추천 시스템: 행렬분해와 컨텐츠 기반 필터링 시스템의 결합
Hệ thống khuyến nghị kết hợp đặc trưng: Ma trận nhân tử kết hợp trích xuất đặc tính
Authors: Nguyen, Si Thin
???metadata.dc.contributor.advisor???: Gim, GwangYong, Prof.
Keywords: Recommendation system
Matrix factorization
Collaborative filtering
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Soongsil University, Korea
Description: Doctoral thesis. Major: Computer Enginering; 129 pages.
???metadata.dc.description.tableofcontents???: Chapter1. Introduction; Chapter 2. Literature review; Chapter 3. Model development; ...
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