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Title: Optimal Operation of Multi-reservoir System for Flood Control. Application to the Vu Gia Thu Bon Catchment, Vietnam
Other Titles: Vận hành tối ưu hệ thống đa hồ chứa phòng lũ cho hạ du. Áp dụng cho lưu vực sông Vu Gia Thu Bồn, Việt Nam
Authors: Nguyen, Thanh Hao
???metadata.dc.contributor.advisor???: Gourbesville, Philippe, Prof.
Keywords: Hydropower
Flood control
Multi-reservoir operation
Multipurpose reservoirs
Optimization methods
River-reservoir system
Distributed deterministic hydrological modeling
1D hydraulic modeling
Vu Gia Thu Bon catchment
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Université Côte d'Azur
Description: Doctoral thesis. Major: Controle, Optimisation, Prospective; 194 pages
???metadata.dc.description.tableofcontents???: Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 Vu Gia Thu Bon catchment context and challenges; Chapter 3 Modeling and simulation of the river-reservoir system; ...
Appears in Collections:Kỹ thuật

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