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Title: Novel Methods for Estimating Extreme Design Rainfalls at Gauged and Ungauged Locations in a Changing Climate
Other Titles: Các phương pháp mới trong việc tính toán mưa cực trị thiết kế tại các vị trí có và không có trạm đo trong điều kiện biến đổi khí hậu
Authors: Nguyen, Truong Huy
???metadata.dc.contributor.advisor???: Nguyen, Van Thanh Van, Prof.
Keywords: Extreme rainfall
Probability distribution
Scale invariance
Climate change
Frequency analysis
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: McGill University
Description: Doctoral thesis. Major: Hydrology and Water resources management; 282 pages.
???metadata.dc.description.tableofcontents???: Chapter 1. General Introduction; Chapter 2. A systematic approach to selecting the best probability models for annual maximum rainfalls – A case study using data in Ontario (Canada); Chapter 3. A novel scale - Invariance probability - Weighted - Moment - Based generalized extreme value distribution for modeling rainfall extremes across a wide range of time scales; ...
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